Dr. Katz is offering both in-person and remote sessions; both types are available Tuesday through Thursday.
Click on the appropriate category below to find the appointment type you desire. In-Person Sessions are in the first category of In-Person Chiropractic Treatment Plans. For Remote Sessions, click on the Wellness Telehealth category.
Select the specific service, choose a date and time that suits you, and follow the prompts. Most appointment types will require you to fill out at least one online form. Or contact the office, 607-319-0813, for help with scheduling.
Once you make an appointment, you will receive an email confirmation with additional information. Also in the confirmation email are links to edit your forms via the change/cancel appointment tab. Please be aware that THERE IS A $100 non-refundable cancellation fee if less than 48 hours notice is given.
Last-minute appointments are sometimes available. If there is no available time slot on the calendar and itβs urgent for you to come in, please call us and we will do our best to accommodate you.
Zoom Links to Wellness Telehealth Sessions will be emailed separately from your confirmation email, the last business day before your scheduled appointment. Payment for Telehealth Sessions is made online β enter your credit card information to hold the appointment. Billing happens at the time of your appointment for procedures and any prescribed supplements. We email/mail invoices.
As our Sliding Scale Discount Program is currently full we are unable to accept new applications at this time.
We offer sliding scale discounts based on family size and annual income. Discounts range from 15% to 40% off and apply to procedures and consultations only, not supplements. Download our Sliding Scale Discount Application Form, fill out and email or mail to the office.